Below are various organisations and groups currently running in St Aidan’s, including their role within the parish and when they meet.
Where possible, names of contacts have been given.
Parish Ministries
The catechists are a group of people in our parish who share their faith with adults and children. Catechists help with the preparation programmes for Baptism, First Confession, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. If you are interested in becoming a catechist you can contact Fr Peter ( without any commitment.
Children’s Word
There is a group of people who help with Children’s Liturgy of the Word on a rota basis at the 9:00am and 11:00am Masses on Sundays in term time; three catechists run each session. Children who have not yet made their First Holy Communion are invited with parents to to...
Choir (11:00am Mass)
The choir is a group of singers and musicians from St Aidan’s parish. Its aim is to lead the congregation and help them play a full part in the hymns and responses that form part of the liturgy. The choir is present at the Sunday 11:00am Mass and other special...
Special Ministers of Holy Communion
The parish has a team of Special Ministers of Holy Communion commissioned by the archdiocese to assist with the distribution of Communion on a rota basis. In addition many Special Ministers regularly take Communion to the sick and housebound in their own homes or care homes. Special Ministers meet periodically...
Youth Ministry
The St Aidan’s Youth Ministry team is a group of parishioners formed in response to Pope Francis’s call: “The Church has decided to examine herself on how she can lead young people to recognise and accept the call to the fullness of life and love, and to ask young people...
Finance Committee
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark requires that all parishes have their own finance committee, separate from any parish council or other church group. The committee deals with all financial matters in accordance with agreed procedures and operating instructions. The members of the committee are: Paul Dibbs – Chair Martin...
Liturgy Group
The Liturgy Group meets regularly to discuss with Father Peter the planning of the liturgy in the parish, including preparations for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and Pentecost. The group consists of parishioners with various interests and involvement in the liturgy, e.g. music, altar servers, special ministers, readers. Other subjects discussed...
Parish Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is a consultative and advisory body made up of elected parishioners and exists primarily to support the parish priest in the running of the parish. Its members are: Fr Peter, Simon Archer, Alexandra Collins, Craig Ditchfield, Penne Hutton, Lesley Leavey, Gerry O’Donnell, Elsie Ofili, Martin...
Social Club and Committee
The aim of the Social Club is to encourage fellowship within the parish and the community. The club operates in the church hall on Sundays after the 11:00am Mass. The bar is open and is run by a rota of volunteers. Parishioners and visitors are most welcome to come along...
Other Parish Groups
200 Club
This group exists to raise money for the parish by means of a lottery, in accordance with the requirements of the Small Societies Lottery regulations. It consists of a maximum of 200 members who pay an annual subscription, which enters them into a monthly draw at which one member wins...
Church Cleaning Group
Cleaning of the church is currently split into two areas: the altar, sacristy and entrance area which are cleaned once a week; and the main church area which is cleaned once a month. Volunteers dust, sweep, vacuum and mop. We are always in need of new helpers! If you can...
Coffee Morning – after Thursday Mass
A group of people organises tea and coffee after 10:00am Mass on Thursdays, in the Marian Room of the parish hall. Help with preparation before Mass is always appreciated. Contact: parish office (
Fete Committee
Each year, usually on a Sunday in early July, an enthusiastic group of parishioners organises a parish fete in the grounds of St Aidan’s Primary School. This is not only one of the social highlights of the year but is also one of the biggest contributors to parish funds. The...
First Friday Afternoon Tea
Parishioners are invited to join together for Afternoon Tea on the first Friday of each month for a donation of £5. We meet at 3 o’clock in the church hall and Tea lasts for approximately two hours. The emphasis is on providing a friendly welcome, and it presents the opportunity...
Flower Group
Flowers are an important part of the way we celebrate the beauty of God’s creation and are used to enhance the special celebrations in the Church’s year. If you would like special floral arrangements to celebrate a wedding or anniversary this can be arranged, and would require at least four...
Justice and Peace Group
St Aidan’s Justice and Peace Group exists to support the whole parish to act justly, live simply and walk humbly with our God in practical ways such as: supporting Cafod by raising money; supporting the Manna Centre for the homeless, with money, clothes and food; supporting Pax Christi – a...
Laundry for the Church
The small altar linen used at every Mass is washed on a weekly basis. There is a rota of people who take it home on Sunday and return it to the sacristy the following week. More help is always appreciated. Contact Liz Moore (the sacristan) or the parish office (
Life Breakfasts
Life Breakfasts take place in the parish hall each Sunday morning in term time after 9:00am Mass. Tea, coffee, bacon rolls and jams are served, everyone is welcome and the breakfast is open to all parishioners. Breakfasts are prepared and served by a rota of volunteers from the parish; each...
Money Counters
There is a rota of people who work in pairs to count the weekly church collections. Each pair is on duty about once every two months. Counting day varies from Sunday to Wednesday depending on what day and time the team find convenient. New people are welcome to join the...
Premises Team
A small team of parishioners is responsible for all aspects of maintenance and health and safety of the church building, the hall and the grounds. Please report any issues to
Social Club Bar
The bar in the hall is run by volunteers in conjunction with the Social Club; it is an ideal place for current members and visitors to meet up for a chat and a drink (be it alcoholic, soft or hot!) Great for all ages and families to come and socialise...
Society of St Vincent de Paul (St Aidan’s Conference)
The Society of St Vincent De Paul (SVP) was founded by Frederick Ozanam in France in 1833. It was named after Vincent de Paul, a priest who did much good work visiting the sick, poor and needy in France in the 17th century. It is a lay society that helps all...
St Aidan’s Church Hall Bookings
The church hall is a modern and spacious facility that is available for hire by parishioners. When booking the main hall, the smaller Marian Room and kitchen are additional options subject to their availability and terms and conditions of hire. Bookings are subject to a standard rate, a minimum of...
Task Force
Every last Saturday in the month between 10:00am and 12:00 noon a group of parishioners get together for a variety of tasks around the church, hall and grounds. All are welcome and in all weathers as many jobs are inside. Check the newsletter the week before.
Groups Working in Partnership with the Parish
14th Coulsdon Brownies and Guides
Brownies is for girls age 7–10 and Guides for girls aged 10–14. Both groups come under the umbrella of Girlguiding UK. Brownies and Guides both run on a Monday evening in term time in the Parish hall: Brownies 5:45–7:15pm and Guides 6:30pm–8:00pm. All sections in Girlguiding are inclusive, no matter...
2nd Coulsdon Rainbows
Rainbows is a group available to all girls aged 5 to 7 years old, the youngest members of Girlguiding UK. 2nd Coulsdon Rainbows meets every Monday in term time from 4:00pm to 5:15pm in the parish hall. We run a varied programme each week that includes badge work, games, and...
Churches Together in Coulsdon
St Aidan’s parish subscribes to the Covenant of the Churches Together in Coulsdon (CTC) through which it is committed to prayer and action to further the cause of Christian unity. Clergy and lay representatives from all member churches meet as the Enabling Group four times a year to plan joint...
Croydon Churches’ Floating Shelter
Croydon Churches’ Floating Shelter… offering hope to the homeless through faith in action. For many years St Aidan’s participated in the Croydon Churches’ Floating Shelter (CCFS) which provided welcome and accommodation for homeless people in church halls during the winter months. The Covid restrictions of 2020 brought a halt to...
HCPT (Lourdes Group)
HCPT is a registered charity offering pilgrimage holidays to Lourdes. There is a strong group of volunteers within the parish who travel annually in a group, looking after sick, disabled, disadvantaged and terminally ill children and adults, for a week’s pilgrimage holiday. We stay together at Hosanna House, (which is...