St Aidan’s is a parish of the Archdiocese of Southwark and therefore the diocesan policy of at least six months’ notice for weddings applies. This is to allow sufficient time for couples to attend a marriage preparation course and also for the priest to complete all the necessary paperwork. This can take some time especially when there is a need to obtain documentation from overseas. There is also extra work to be completed for those who are having their ceremony abroad. Please leave enough time for the preparation and contact the church as early as you can.
Convalidation of Marriage
There are times when people enter into a civil marriage without observing the requirements of the Catholic Church for a sacramental union. While this is never the right thing for a Catholic to do it can still be rectified at a later date. Couples can request that their marriage be validated in the Church (convalidated). It is not a complex process. It simply involves making marriage vows in the presence of a priest and two witnesses. The initial contact should be with the priest (