Life Breakfasts take place in the parish hall each Sunday morning in term time after 9:00am Mass. Tea, coffee, bacon rolls and jams are served, everyone is welcome and the breakfast is open to all parishioners. Breakfasts are prepared and served by a rota of volunteers from the parish; each volunteer is on the rota on average once a month. New teams and volunteers are always encouraged to help.
Proceeds raised from Life Breakfasts are a major part of the fundraising for the North and East Surrey Life group. The breakfasts raise over £1,000 a year, which is forwarded on to Life Charity headquarters to aid the national work of Life in protecting the rights of unborn children and assisting mothers in crisis. The parish’s contribution to the work of Life is invaluable and much needed, especially at a time when the political climate nationally and globally is focussed on pro-choice agendas and seldom on the rights of the unborn.
Why don’t you come along and have a relaxed and social breakfast? It’s a great way to meet other parishioners and saves you cooking at home!
For further information about Life Breakfasts, to volunteer or for any other reason email Dermot Mooney (