Arrangements for Mass from 22 February

From Monday 22 February the church will once again be open for Mass. Here is a reminder of the arrangements: Bring a mask and wear it at all times in church covering your nose and mouth. Wrap up warm — the church doors have to remain open even in the...

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Parish Accounts 2020

Accounts Summary for the Year Ended 31 December 2020 Peter McFall, our parish treasurer, writes: You can download a copy of the 2020 income and expenditure report by clicking here. It was a very difficult year but, in spite of a drop in normal parish income of nearly 19%, we...

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Arrangements for Christmas Masses

Because of the strict safety measures that are in force we have a booking system for places in church for the Masses on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Bookings for Christmas Masses are now closed and all Masses are fully booked. We will only be able to admit people to...

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Spiritual Resources for Advent

The Archdiocese of Southwark has made the following resources available for Advent. Southwark Diocesan Spirituality Commission Advent Reflections 2020 We are in an Advent season like no other, leading up to a Christmas celebration that may be different from those we are used to. To help focus your daily prayer...

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