Weekend Masses 10 /11 July.
Fr Peter is currently obliged to isolate until he receives the result of a PCR Covid test. That is due imminently but probably not in time for him to say weekend Masses in Church. At this stage we need to cancel the Mass in Church for Saturday at 6pm. Fr...
Parish Pastoral Council Meeting 17th June 2021
The Parish Pastoral Council held a Zoom meeting 17th June; we began as usual with an opening prayer. We discussed what we should consider now in anticipation of the easing of lockdown restrictions, in particular when the hall is no longer needed as a full time vaccination centre. We will...
Parish Task Force starts up again next Saturday 22nd May
The Premises Team are a small dedicated group of volunteers who take care of all aspects of health and safety and the maintenance of the church building, the hall and the grounds. One of their activities is to organise a monthly “Task Force”. This presents all parishioners to give a...
Parish Pastoral Council Meeting 8th April 2021
The Parish Pastoral Council held its third Zoom meeting of the year on 8th April; we began as usual with an opening prayer. We reviewed the arrangements for the Good Friday and Easter Services, in particular the booking system and stewarding. We are delighted to report how smoothly the process...