Youth Social

Next youth social: 29 March (and the last Friday of the month thereafter). All 14- to 17-year-olds welcome.* free refreshments play your own music meet friends old and new get involved in running future socials and events We look forward to seeing you. * Completed parental consent form required (in...

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Lenten Book Club

The Book Club will meet for a second time next Thursday 21 March 8:00–9:00pm in St Aidan’s church hall (Marian Room) to continue discussing “God Is Near Us – The Eucharist, the Heart of Life” by Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) focusing on the 3rd, 4th and 5th sections. If...

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St Aidan’s Parish Mission Statement

The Parish Pastoral Development Group have been working for the past several months on producing plans for the medium- to long-term development of the parish. In order to give their efforts a clear focus and direction the group have written a mission statement which you will find below. The group...

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Parish Sharing Day Sunday 7 April

The Parish Pastoral Development Group invites you to a parish gathering on the afternoon of Sunday 7 April in the church hall. We invite all parishioners to meet representatives of all the parish groups in an informal fashion to hear from them about their current activities and plans for the...

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Next Youth Social: 29 March

Next youth social: 29 March (and the last Friday of the month thereafter). All 14- to 17-year-olds welcome.* free refreshments play your own music meet friends old and new get involved in running future socials and events We look forward to seeing you. * Completed parental consent form required (in...

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