This weekend we welcome two members of the Adoration team in our Archdiocese of Southwark. They are committed to helping parishes organise extended days of Adoration of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. The speakers we are welcoming today are Chris Henley and Tina Hanson. They will be appealing for people to commit to a particular hour every Friday. It is hoped that the first full day from after morning Mass until 9:00pm would be Friday 26 April. On that basis there would be an inaugural evening Mass on Friday 12 April at 7:30pm. Cards will be distributed this weekend so that people have the opportunity of offering a commitment of an hour each week.
There will be a meeting this Tuesday 2 April at 7:30pm in the hall for all those who have made a commitment. It is not envisaged that Adoration is only for those who are committed to an hour. Everyone will be encouraged to come for some time of their choosing during the day. However, in order to guarantee that a small group is always in the church there is a need to have a core group who have signed up to be there. Thanks our parish Adoremus delegates, Janet O’Donnell and Bridget Hanlon, for promoting this initiative at St Aidan’s.