The Liturgy Group meets regularly to discuss with Father Peter the planning of the liturgy in the parish, including preparations for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and Pentecost. The group consists of parishioners with various interests and involvement in the liturgy, e.g. music, altar servers, special ministers, readers. Other subjects discussed...
Finance Committee
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark requires that all parishes have their own finance committee, separate from any parish council or other church group. The committee deals with all financial matters in accordance with agreed procedures and operating instructions. The members of the committee are: Paul Dibbs – Chair Martin...
Parish Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is a consultative and advisory body made up of elected parishioners and exists primarily to support the parish priest in the running of the parish. Its members are: Fr Peter, Simon Archer, Alexandra Collins, Craig Ditchfield, Penne Hutton, Lesley Leavey, Gerry O’Donnell, Elsie Ofili, Martin...
Social Club and Committee
The aim of the Social Club is to encourage fellowship within the parish and the community. The club operates in the church hall on Sundays after the 11:00am Mass. The bar is open and is run by a rota of volunteers. Parishioners and visitors are most welcome to come along...