The Liturgy Group meets regularly to discuss with Father Peter the planning of the liturgy in the parish, including preparations for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and Pentecost. The group consists of parishioners with various interests and involvement in the liturgy, e.g. music, altar servers, special ministers, readers. Other subjects discussed...
The catechists are a group of people in our parish who share their faith with adults and children. Catechists help with the preparation programmes for Baptism, First Confession, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. If you are interested in becoming a catechist you can contact Fr Peter ( without any commitment.
Children’s Word
There is a group of people who help with Children’s Liturgy of the Word on a rota basis at the 9:00am and 11:00am Masses on Sundays in term time; three catechists run each session. Children who have not yet made their First Holy Communion are invited with parents to to...
Churches Together in Coulsdon
St Aidan’s parish subscribes to the Covenant of the Churches Together in Coulsdon (CTC) through which it is committed to prayer and action to further the cause of Christian unity. Clergy and lay representatives from all member churches meet as the Enabling Group four times a year to plan joint...
Choir (11:00am Mass)
The choir is a group of singers and musicians from St Aidan’s parish. Its aim is to lead the congregation and help them play a full part in the hymns and responses that form part of the liturgy. The choir is present at the Sunday 11:00am Mass and other special...
Church Cleaning Group
Cleaning of the church is currently split into two areas: the altar, sacristy and entrance area which are cleaned once a week; and the main church area which is cleaned once a month. Volunteers dust, sweep, vacuum and mop. We are always in need of new helpers! If you can...
200 Club
This group exists to raise money for the parish by means of a lottery, in accordance with the requirements of the Small Societies Lottery regulations. It consists of a maximum of 200 members who pay an annual subscription, which enters them into a monthly draw at which one member wins...
Coffee Morning – after Thursday Mass
A group of people organises tea and coffee after 10:00am Mass on Thursdays, in the Marian Room of the parish hall. Help with preparation before Mass is always appreciated. Contact: parish office (
Money Counters
There is a rota of people who work in pairs to count the weekly church collections. Each pair is on duty about once every two months. Counting day varies from Sunday to Wednesday depending on what day and time the team find convenient. New people are welcome to join the...
Croydon Churches’ Floating Shelter
Croydon Churches’ Floating Shelter… offering hope to the homeless through faith in action. For many years St Aidan’s participated in the Croydon Churches’ Floating Shelter (CCFS) which provided welcome and accommodation for homeless people in church halls during the winter months. The Covid restrictions of 2020 brought a halt to...