Church Cleaning Group

Cleaning of the church is currently split into two areas: the altar, sacristy and entrance area which are cleaned once a week; and the main church area which is cleaned once a month. Volunteers dust, sweep, vacuum and mop. We are always in need of new helpers! If you can...

200 Club

This group exists to raise money for the parish by means of a lottery, in accordance with the requirements of the Small Societies Lottery regulations. It consists of a maximum of 200 members who pay an annual subscription, which enters them into a monthly draw at which one member wins...

Coffee Morning – after Thursday Mass

A group of people organises tea and coffee after 10:00am Mass on Thursdays, in the Marian Room of the parish hall. Help with preparation before Mass is always appreciated. Contact: parish office (

Money Counters

There is a rota of people who work in pairs to count the weekly church collections. Each pair is on duty about once every two months. Counting day varies from Sunday to Wednesday depending on what day and time the team find convenient. New people are welcome to join the...

Fete Committee

Each year, usually on a Sunday in early July, an enthusiastic group of parishioners organises a parish fete in the grounds of St Aidan’s Primary School. This is not only one of the social highlights of the year but is also one of the biggest contributors to parish funds. The...

Flower Group

Flowers are an important part of the way we celebrate the beauty of God’s creation and are used to enhance the special celebrations in the Church’s year. If you would like special floral arrangements to celebrate a wedding or anniversary this can be arranged, and would require at least four...

St Aidan’s Church Hall Bookings

The church hall is a modern and spacious facility that is available for hire by parishioners. When booking the main hall, the smaller Marian Room and kitchen are additional options subject to their availability and terms and conditions of hire. Bookings are subject to a standard rate, a minimum of...

Laundry for the Church

The small altar linen used at every Mass is washed on a weekly basis. There is a rota of people who take it home on Sunday and return it to the sacristy the following week. More help is always appreciated. Contact Liz Moore (the sacristan) or the parish office (

Life Breakfasts

Life Breakfasts take place in the parish hall each Sunday morning in term time after 9:00am Mass. Tea, coffee, bacon rolls and jams are served, everyone is welcome and the breakfast is open to all parishioners. Breakfasts are prepared and served by a rota of volunteers from the parish; each...

First Friday Afternoon Tea

Parishioners are invited to join together for Afternoon Tea on the first Friday of each month for a donation of £5. We meet at 3 o’clock in the church hall and Tea lasts for approximately two hours. The emphasis is on providing a friendly welcome, and it presents the opportunity...