Mass Times

The times of weekend Masses are shown below. See newsletter (above) for times of weekday Masses.
Saturday 6:00pm Vigil Mass of Sunday
Sunday 9:00am
All Masses are streamed on our YouTube channel (click here).

Spiritual Resources

You can access the daily Mass readings by following this link: In addition, each week from Wednesday you can find the upcoming Sunday readings with commentaries on the Wednesday Word website:

There are many other spiritual resources available. For information about some of them click here.

Keep in Touch

We have a parish mailing list which we are using to send to parishioners a weekly email including a direct link to the newsletter. Joining the mailing list is straightforward - just follow this link and fill in the short sign-up form: Please pass this link on to anyone else who might be interested.

Hospital Chaplaincy Contacts

If you or a member of your family are admitted to one of the local hospitals, do please let the hospital’s Catholic chaplain know. You should ask the ward staff to contact the Catholic chaplain. You can also phone chaplains directly -- see the list of contacts below.

Data protection laws prohibit hospital staff from taking the initiative of letting a chaplain know your religion. The request to ward staff MUST come explicitly from the patient, a family member or a friend.

There is always a priest on call for emergencies -- it is best to ask the ward staff because the hospital switchboard will have an emergency contact number for the duty priest. Your local parish will not have that number as it changes depending on the duty priest. Sometimes the priest will be on site in the hospital, at other times he will come from his parish.

Hospital Chaplain Contact
Croydon University Sr Sheila
with support of local clergy and laity
020 8401 3105
(the chaplaincy)
St Helier and Epsom Fr Philip Pak 020 8296 2000
East Surrey Fr Alban Aguezeala 01293 431703
(Horley parish)
St George's Fr Peter Littleton 020 8725 3069
or 020 8672 1255

St Aidan's Meal Train

We have a "meal train" service in the parish, where parishioners have the opportunity to sign up to bring a meal to someone going through a difficult time or needing a short-term helping hand.

If you would like to request a meal train because you are struggling for any reason, are grieving a loved one, are about to have treatment or surgery, or have just welcomed a new baby, please email Katie Stockermans ( or speak to Fr Peter. Katie will discuss some details and timings with you and take it from there.

If you are interested in offering to cook a meal, keep an eye out for a newsletter notice about an active meal train: a link will allow you to put your name on a calendar to commit to
cooking on a certain date and will tell you all the details you need for delivering the meal.

Latest News

Called to Bear Fruit

Those of you at Mass last weekend would have heard Fr Peter read a pastoral letter from The Archbishop of Southwark outlining the next steps of the Archdiocese’s renewal process. We were also invited to take home a copy of the Consultation Document to read at home The process –...

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Important: Scam Emails Impersonating Parish Priests

Fraudulent emails are doing the rounds of our diocese purporting to be from the parish priest. Some have been received in our parish claiming to be from Fr Peter. They have been around for some time from several sources but there is a current increase in them. Never purchase gift...

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Archdiocese of Southwark

St Aidan’s RC Primary School

Portnalls Road,
Tel: 01737 556036
Twitter: @St_Aidans_Sch

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