- For Young People
- Healthcare and Prayer Resources
- For People with Learning Difficulties
- The Tablet
- Domestic Abuse
- Centre for Catholic Formation
For Young People
Children’s liturgy
Families can join CAFOD online at 10:00am on Sundays for a virtual children’s liturgy of the word. You can register here to take part:
Staying at home: a new resource for young people
Southwark Catholic Youth Service has worked with some 6th-form students on a mini-series “Christ is Alive”. This is an invitation for young people to focus on staying spiritually healthy and to ponder some of the big questions about life, through journalling and prayer. This may be particularly relevant during this difficult time of lockdown. Young people are encouraged to take a look.
Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) Child’s Bible Project
Ten Ten
This dynamic theatre group has a wealth of excellent resources and are providing an “at home” Sunday liturgy aimed at young people. The group can be found at and on Twitter: @TenTen.
A packed website full of interesting articles, Gospel reflections, culture and fun for the family.
YouTube Kids
This app has a wealth of fun teaching videos for children and is worth exploring. An example might be this video about David and Goliath: It can be downloaded on any Apple device and is also available on Google Play. It features a number of security settings for safer browsing. Click here for more information.
Healthcare and Prayer Resources
You can download a series of healthcare resources produced by the “Catholics in Healthcare” project here:
In addition, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales have recently released, as part of the Dying Well project, a series of prayers for the dying including prayers for a loved one when it is not possible to be by their side.
For People with Learning Difficulties
There are some excellent liturgical resources for children and adults with learning difficulties who cannot go to church at present. Readings and prayers are presented in a format that a person with learning difficulties can easily access using signs and symbols. This is not meant to replace the opportunity to join in an online Mass or other service. The material, which is produced by the Kairos Forum, can be viewed on the internet at You can follow their LivingFully Facebook page here:
The Tablet
The Tablet has on its website a very useful page of resources, including advice, links to live-streamed Masses, prayers and reflections:
Domestic Abuse
The Domestic Abuse Group of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales has issued guidance on how Catholic parishes can support victims of domestic abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the UK-wide COVID-19 lockdown began on 23 March there has been a 49% increase in calls and online requests for help relating to domestic abuse.
The guidance includes information about how parishes can raise awareness of the issue, including a list of helplines and information about how to safely get help. It also includes a step-by-step starter guide for how parishes can work to support their local domestic abuse services with donations. Read more here.
Centre for Catholic Formation
The Centre for Catholic Formation is working with the Catechetical Institute to offer online programming from Franciscan University. This will feature training for catechists and workshops for parents. To register your interest email