Free Knife Crime Seminar Thursday 20th February 2020 11am to 2pm
There is a Knife Crime Seminar to be held at Croydon Town Hall, Croydon Please see attached for more information.Knife Crime convert-jpg-to-pdf.net_2020-01-24_10-49-12
There is a Knife Crime Seminar to be held at Croydon Town Hall, Croydon Please see attached for more information.Knife Crime convert-jpg-to-pdf.net_2020-01-24_10-49-12
The Justice and Peace Group have received a thank you letter from Nightwatch to thank all parishioners who donated food items for the homeless and other vulnerable people in Croydon. You can find the letter attached
The meeting focused on the priorities for the parish as identified by the Parish Pastoral Development Group, the Youth, the Elderly, the Vulnerable and Young Families. Each priority is allocated to PPC members and they are working with the existing groups and stakeholders within the parish. For several members of...
The Live Simply Advent Calendar 2019 is available for you to download. Browse through each day for usefil links and tips on how to Live Simply this advent!
Parishes in Croydon Deanery are planning various inputs during the year which are open to all of the people in the deanery. St Mary’s, West Croydon, Wellesley Rd CR0 2AR Tuesday 3rd December – 7pm to 8pm. St Jerome ~ Apostle of the Word of God – with Fr Patrick...
Local residents have bought to our attention the inconvenience caused by parking on Chipstead Valley Road during the Saturday and Sunday masses. Parking on the church side causes a bottleneck for traffic in both directions, i.e.. when cars are parked both sides of the road. There are concerns about the...
Parish Autumn Ball 16th November 8pm Tickets £20 3 course dinner Live entertainment Dress to Impress!
Now on Sale in the Parish Shop. 2020 Catholic Calendars – £1 each; 2020 Diaries with Mass text – £2 each; Plus a selection of Advent Calendars,Christmas cards including a wide selection of Traidcraft /CAFOD Christmas cards. See the back of packs for CAFOD logo and prices.
If you would like to join us, please add your name to the list in the church porch. Enquiries and any food allergies, please contact Brenda Eydman 01737 552610