The meeting focused on the priorities for the parish as identified by the Parish Pastoral Development Group, the Youth, the Elderly, the Vulnerable and Young Families. Each priority is allocated to PPC members and they are working with the existing groups and stakeholders within the parish.
For several members of the PPC their time of service reaches 4 years next February. These members may serve another term if they are nominated or elected. To help us determine the future membership of the PPC we would like to hear from any members of the parish who would be interested in joining the PPC.
Full minutes of the meeting are available on the Parish website or on the notice board in the hall.
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on Tuesday 14th January 2020.
We would be pleased to hear from members of the parish on any subject. Please speak to any member of the council, drop a letter into the sacristy or contact Gerry via
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