Choir (11:00am Mass)

The choir is a group of singers and musicians from St Aidan’s parish. Its aim is to lead the congregation and help them play a full part in the hymns and responses that form part of the liturgy. The choir is present at the Sunday 11:00am Mass and other special services throughout the year. It welcomes new members with an interest in the music sung during services.

The choir was formed in 1967 by a curate with some skill with a guitar who wanted to introduce a new type of music to the parish; it was initially led by Jane Rees. The sound and goodwill feeling of the choir was popular and became the nucleus of what became the Sunday Family Folk Mass. Members were encouraged to contribute their own compositions and to pick up instruments that they thought forgotten from their youth. Stephen Church and Dave Carroll developed the style and the music which is still the heartbeat of the choir today.


  • Roy Misra
  • Paul Dibbs
  • Nicky Langford