Sunday Family Social Celebrating St Patrick’s Day
17 March in the parish hall from 1:00pm. Entertainment from Wires and Wood. Food provided. Tickets £5 – on sale after Mass this weekend.
17 March in the parish hall from 1:00pm. Entertainment from Wires and Wood. Food provided. Tickets £5 – on sale after Mass this weekend.
Led by Janet O’Donnell. “Guided Meditation” is a form of Christ-centred meditation inspired by Ignatian spirituality. It enables people, with or without a Church background, to meet with Jesus in their imagination and to deepen their spiritual awareness. It is an opportunity to pause in the busyness of life, to...
CAFOD Fast Day is a day on which we eat less and contribute any money we save to the poor and hungry via the CAFOD envelope attached to this newsletter. This will be taken in the second collection next weekend. No one should call this dinner! MAHINUR who lives in...
The Parish Pastoral Development Group invites you to a parish gathering on the afternoon of Sunday 7 April in the church hall. We invite all parishioners to meet representatives of all the parish groups in an informal fashion to hear from them about their current activities and plans for the...
Inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ (Care for our Common Home), as part of our offertory this weekend (2/3 March) we bring forward three symbols of our commitment to engage with the CAFOD “Live Simply” initiative: a poster as an outward display of our pledge to live simply; a candle to...
Next youth social: 29 March (and the last Friday of the month thereafter). All 14- to 17-year-olds welcome.* free refreshments play your own music meet friends old and new get involved in running future socials and events We look forward to seeing you. * Completed parental consent form required (in...
Lent gives us a special opportunity to deepen our faith and increase our spiritual awareness. Reading and reflecting on the works of Pope Benedict will help us along on this journey. This Lent we are organising a book club that will meet every Thursday in St Aidan’s parish hall from...
Thursday 28 February 7:45pm at St Aidan’s church hall. The Justice and Peace Group have invited a local prison chaplain to talk to us about what is being done in support of prisoners and their families, and to highlight opportunities that exist locally for volunteers via PACT, the Catholic Prison...
Rock Choir are returning to St Aidan’s on Saturday 2 March for a concert in aid of HCPT. Tickets are £5 each and all proceeds will go to St Aidan’s Group 510. The bar will be open but NO FOOD will be provided; you’re welcome to bring your own snacks...
First Saturday of every month 11:00am-1:00pm. We need four people to sign up for “watching” for each hour. Please see list in church porch.