Parish Pastoral Council Meeting 7th October 2021

The Parish Pastoral Council held a Zoom meeting on the 7th October; we began as usual with an opening prayer. We reviewed the current arrangements for Mass. We would again like to express our thanks to the stewards and cleaners. Their efforts, week in week out, enable the church to...

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Arrangements for Mass from Monday 19 July 2021

Fr Peter has made the following announcement this weekend. Stage 4. The day of lifting of the Covid regulations, Monday 19th July, is almost upon us. Sadly, due to the persistent nature of the Delta variant, it lacks much sense of relief let alone celebration although the vaccine gives us...

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Weekend Masses 10 /11 July.

Fr Peter is currently obliged to isolate until he receives the result of a PCR Covid test. That is due imminently but probably not in time for him to say weekend Masses in Church. At this stage we need to cancel the Mass in Church for Saturday at 6pm. Fr...

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