The Parish Pastoral Council held a Zoom meeting on the 7th October; we began as usual with an opening prayer.
We reviewed the current arrangements for Mass. We would again like to express our thanks to the stewards and cleaners. Their efforts, week in week out, enable the church to remain open. After some discussion the arrangements will remain broadly the same but with some minor adjustments. We then discussed the arrangements for Christmas Masses and we await guidance from the diocese.
Our main topic of discussion was the Synodal Process in the Archdiocese of Southwark and we will be hearing much more about this in the coming weeks and months. There will be a parish event of some kind in the first half of November.
Fr Peter brought the meeting to a close with a final prayer inspired by the Synodal Process.
Our next PPC meeting is on Thursday 18th of November and this time we will meet face to face!.We would be pleased to hear from members of the parish on any subject. Please speak to any member of the Council, drop a letter into the sacristy or contact Gerry via
The PPC members are, Fr. Peter, Sue Carr, Pauline D’Mello-Maplesden, Brenda Eydman, Roque Fernandes, Bernadette Hallett, Bridget Hanlon, Penne Hutton, Peter McFall, Erica Thurbon, Gerry O’Donnell, Elsie Ofili and Colin Wilding.