Next Youth Social: 29 March

Next youth social: 29 March (and the last Friday of the month thereafter). All 14- to 17-year-olds welcome.* free refreshments play your own music meet friends old and new get involved in running future socials and events We look forward to seeing you. * Completed parental consent form required (in...

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Lenten Book Club

Lent gives us a special opportunity to deepen our faith and increase our spiritual awareness. Reading and reflecting on the works of Pope Benedict will help us along on this journey. This Lent we are organising a book club that will meet every Thursday in St Aidan’s parish hall from...

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Parish Action to Help Prisoners & their Families

Thursday 28 February 7:45pm at St Aidan’s church hall. The Justice and Peace Group have invited a local prison chaplain to talk to us about what is being done in support of prisoners and their families, and to highlight opportunities that exist locally for volunteers via PACT, the Catholic Prison...

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Lenten Book Club

An inter-parish initiative of local Adoremus delegates. Lent gives us a special opportunity to deepen our faith and increase our spiritual awareness. Reading and reflecting on the works of Pope Benedict will help us along on this journey. This Lent we are organising a book club that will meet every...

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