On Thursday 11 April at 8:00pm we will be celebrating our parish Lenten Reconciliation Service. Visiting priests will be helping with confessions.
What is the format of the service?
The Reconciliation Service begins with the Blessed Sacrament being placed on the altar. The service will proceed with prayer and scripture readings. These will be followed by a guided examination of conscience and communal act of sorrow. During the service you will have the opportunity of coming to one of the priests for absolution. When you come to the priest you can mention the things that you wish to receive forgiveness for. Your “confession” might consist of even just one phrase which sums up what in your heart you are sorry for and for which you wish to receive the forgiveness of God and the community, represented by the priest. In Catholic teaching it is Christ himself who mediates God’s forgiveness when the words of absolution are uttered.
What if you feel you need more time to receive the sacrament in the context of a fuller discussion of your life?
In this parish there are many opportunities when the sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated in the context of a one-to-one encounter between priest and penitent. Apart from the regular Saturday times, there are special times between now and Easter. For those who feel they need for a more detailed look at their lives I am available to see people by appointment. Coming to the Reconciliation Service could be an opportunity to give some time for reflection on our need for God’s mercy and forgiveness.
Father Peter