Organ Recital

An Organ Recital will take place on Saturday 22 June 7:00pm after evening Mass with talks, slides and music from some of the world’s largest instruments. The bar will be open in the hall before and after. Admission free – donations towards our Organ Fund. St. Aidan’s Organ Fund. Information...

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Parish Pastoral Council Vacancies

We are delighted to inform you that the three vacancies on the Parish Pastoral Council have been filled with three nominations received. We welcome Sue Carr, Pauline D’Mello-Maplesden and Penne Hutton onto the council. Please thank Sue, Pauline and Penne for offering to serve the parish in this way, speak...

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Organ Recital Saturday 22 June

An Organ Recital will take place on Saturday 22 June after evening Mass. Bar open in the hall before and after. Admission free – donations towards our Organ Fund. St. Aidan’s Organ Fund. Information about the organ recital is on the back page of this newsletter. Donations will be put...

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Ascension Thursday 30 May

The feast of the Ascension is celebrated on the fortieth day after Easter Sunday. This year it will be on Thursday 30 May. It is a day of obligation when Catholics are asked to attend Mass. At St. Aidan’s there will be Mass at 9:30am and 8pm. Having risen from...

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Youth Ministry

Next Youth Social Friday 31 May 7:30-9:30pm. Youth Day Aylesford Priory Saturday 22 June 10:00am-6:30pm. The Youth Ministry would like to take a group from the parish to this great day out. For more information you can email If you would like to attend please sign up on the...

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