The Parish Pastoral Council held our first meeting of the year on the 3rd February in the church hall.
Roque Fernandes announced his resignation from the PPC due to personal circumstances. The PPC are grateful for the time he has spent serving on the council and the contribution he has made.
We were joined by Peter Chamberlain, our synod process parish delegate who updated us on the progress towards finalising the report to be submitted to the diocese. Please see the minutes for a summary of the discussion. We hope to share the full report with the parish shortly. We would again like to thank, Peter, Antonette and Richard, our three parish delegates, for the great work they have undertaken.
We reviewed the current arrangements for Mass. Please see last week’s newsletter or follow this link to read the updated arrangements.
Peter McFall gave us a brief update on the parish finances.
Fr Peter brought the meeting to a close with a final prayer.
Our next PPC meeting is on Thursday 7th of April. We would be pleased to hear from members of the parish on any subject. Please speak to any member of the Council, drop a letter into the sacristy or contact Gerry via
The PPC members are, Fr. Peter, Sue Carr, Pauline D’Mello-Maplesden, Brenda Eydman, Bernadette Hallett, Bridget Hanlon, Penne Hutton, Peter McFall, Erica Thurbon, Gerry O’Donnell, Elsie Ofili and Colin Wilding.