First Confession will be celebrated in January 2019 and First Holy Communion in May 2019.
If you wish to enrol your child for the parish preparation programme for Fist Confession and First Holy Communion you must request a form from Fr. Peter outside Church after Mass. Forms will be available next weekend also. Completed forms should be handed back to Fr. Peter.
Notices and reminders will be published in the Newsletter.
WEEKLY MASS for Catholic parent and child is an essential condition for being accepted on the preparation programme.
I am grateful to the parishioners who have agreed to give up their time to be Catechists. The role of the Priest and catechists is to supplement the input of the parent and support the parent in accomplishing the commitment made at Baptism to “train their child in the practice of the faith”. While our School is not directly involved in running the programme it provides essential support for the children who are preparing for the sacraments.
Those who live outside the Parish boundary are not eligible to enrol unless they have already attended here weekly for at least the past year. Attendance at St. Aidan’s School is not in itself sufficient as it serves more than this parish.
It will not be possible for us to accommodate individual children who have other sport and cultural interests during session times. For this brief period the First Confession and First Communion preparation must take precedence.