Parish Lunch – Friday 3 May at 12:00pm in the Church hall
Please add your name to the list at the back of the church if you would like to join us. Any enquiries contact Brenda Eydman 01737 552610.
Please add your name to the list at the back of the church if you would like to join us. Any enquiries contact Brenda Eydman 01737 552610.
The Parish Sharing Day was a great success with a good turnout and a vibrant atmosphere. A big thank you to everyone who came and a big thank you to all of the 30 groups who were represented. Remember if you were unable to attend on this occasion you will...
Monday 15 April at 8:15pm in the Marian Room.
The schedule of Holy Week and Easter Services is now available. Please see the attached document.
The Parish Council held a special meeting on Saturday 16 March to discuss and agree a constitution. The Parish Council will now be known as the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC). This is to reflect its role as a consultative body that acts in partnership with the parish priest within the...
The list is in the porch for you to sign if you would like to join us for a three course meal, in friendly company, for a donation of £5. Any enquiries or food allergies please contact Brenda Eydman 01737 552610.
This weekend we welcome two members of the Adoration team in our Archdiocese of Southwark. They are committed to helping parishes organise extended days of Adoration of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. The speakers we are welcoming today are Chris Henley and Tina Hanson. They will be appealing for...
Next youth social: 29 March (and the last Friday of the month thereafter). All 14- to 17-year-olds welcome.* free refreshments play your own music meet friends old and new get involved in running future socials and events We look forward to seeing you. * Completed parental consent form required (in...
The Book Club will meet for a second time next Thursday 21 March 8:00–9:00pm in St Aidan’s church hall (Marian Room) to continue discussing “God Is Near Us – The Eucharist, the Heart of Life” by Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) focusing on the 3rd, 4th and 5th sections. If...
The Parish Pastoral Development Group have been working for the past several months on producing plans for the medium- to long-term development of the parish. In order to give their efforts a clear focus and direction the group have written a mission statement which you will find below. The group...