Building a better marriage

You are invited to a celebration of your marriage. However long you have been married, come along to St Columba’s, Selsdon, South Croydon, from 9.45am till 4.30pm on Saturday 28 September. The day is for couples with average-to-good marriages who would like to make them a bit better. Booking is...

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Parish lunch Friday 6th September

Parish lunch Friday 6th September at 12 o’clock in the hall, for a donation of £5. If you would like to join us, please enter your name on the list at the back of the church and you will be most welcome. Any enquiries to Brenda Eydman 01737 552610

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We welcome Fr. John Naughton to the parish

He was with us last summer. (Irish say ‘Nock-ton’, English say ‘Naw-ton’, he doesn’t mind which). He lives in Portumna, Co. Galway, Ireland. He is retired from being a parish priest but helps wherever he is needed and invited. Fr. John was once a priest of our Diocese of Southwark....

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No Life Breakfasts After Sunday 9am Mass

The ‘LIFE Breakfasts’ after the 9am Mass on Sundays will resume on Sunday 1 September. On behalf of the LIFE Charity we thank the teams of volunteers who have provided tasty bacon rolls or croissants and tea/coffee so cheerfully each week throughout the year, and so maintained a St Aidan’s...

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As a number of St Aidan’s parishioners prepare to travel to Lourdes this Friday 19 July with the HCPT Group 510, we ask for your prayers that the trip might be filled with restorative and healing experiences, and that the pilgrims may return refreshed in body, mind and spirit. The...

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Friday Adoration

Friday 12 July was the last time before the Summer break when we will have the opportunity to spend a treasured hour of Exposition at St Aidan’s. We will resume again in September. We hope that all who have been attending have found it a peaceful and spiritually enriching experience.

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Confirmation Group – Reconciliations Sunday 30 June 6:00pm – Saturday 6 July 6:00pm Mass

This Sunday 30 June at 6:00pm the Confirmation group will come to celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation (confession). Parents please note that they will be free to go home when they have celebrated the sacrament individually. Please note that Bishop Paul will be celebrating the 6:00pm Confirmation Mass next Saturday...

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