Second Collection – Archbishop’s Fund for Diocesan Administration
This collection helps to meet the cost of the central administration of the diocese.
This collection helps to meet the cost of the central administration of the diocese.
Becoming a Catholic … or receiving the Sacraments of Initiation as an adult. Journey-in-Faith— BEGINS IN AUTUMN The course is for: Those who wish to become members of the Catholic Church; OR those who wish to receive the sacrament of Confirmation as adults (18 yrs. and over); OR those...
To prepare for the Adoremus Congress and beyond by deepening your understanding of the Eucharist by signing up for the Holy Hour in adoration between 10.30 am and 7.30pm on Friday 29th June, the feast of St Peter and St Paul. The sheet is in the porch at the...
The Justice and Peace group are grateful to those of you who have brought plastic milk bottle tops for recycling; this week we took two large sacks to add to those collected by Our Lady of the Annunciation in Addiscombe. Just to remind you that the milk bottle tops are sent...
First Confession will be celebrated in January 2019 and First Holy Communion in May 2019. If you wish to enrol your child for the parish preparation programme for Fist Confession and First Holy Communion you must request a form from Fr. Peter outside Church after Mass. Forms will be available next...
The Passage is an organisation working for homeless people in Central London and are holding their Annual Garden Party in the beautiful and historic College Garden, Westminster Abbey on Friday 13 July 2018, from 6.00 pm to 8.30 pm. Tickets at £45 each, includes wine, soft drinks, buffet supper and live...
The children’s liturgy group require volunteers to help with our sessions during the 11:00 am mass. You could either volunteer as an assistant or a leader. It should only be one session per term and resources are provided. Training can be provided. If you are interested please contact Sheena on...
The bishops of the Church, with their people, join together to produce those means which the Holy Father and the Apostolic See need to exercise works of mercy and charity and its service of the Universal Church. The faithful’s offerings to the Holy Father are destined to church needs, humanitarian initiatives...
The parish HCPT Lourdes Group will again set off to Lourdes at the end of July. They raise funds in various ways in order to enable people with special needs to go. Our second collection next weekend will be for that good cause.
Purley Food Hub’s June 2018 Food List (Those marked in bold are items most in need) Breakfast Cereal (not porridge) ~ Tinned Tomatoes Tinned ready meat meals ~ Tinned rice pudding Tins of dessert fruit ~ Pasta Sauce ~ Jars of honey Packets of dried potato ~ Tins of vegetables...