Youth Ministry

Next Youth Social Friday 31 May 7:30-9:30pm. Youth Day Aylesford Priory Saturday 22 June 10:00am-6:30pm. The Youth Ministry would like to take a group from the parish to this great day out. For more information you can email If you would like to attend please sign up on the...

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Youth Ministry

Next Youth Social is Friday 31 May 7:30-9:30pm. Youth Day Aylesford Priory Saturday 22 June 10:00am-6:30pm. The Youth Ministry would like to take a group from the parish to this great day out. For more information you can email: If you would like to attend please sign up on...

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Spring Assembly Saturday 18 May

On tackling poverty in our Diocese at St Mary’s West Croydon. Parking down the slope into the playground. Mass 10:00am. Assembly will be 10:30am – 4:00pm. Speakers from Trussell Trust, Catholic Children’s Society; Church Action on Poverty, Sutton; Deanery Refugee Group. Workshops and a focus on practical action. Email:

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