Second Collection – Archbishop’s Fund for Diocesan Administration
This collection helps to meet the cost of the central administration of the diocese.
This collection helps to meet the cost of the central administration of the diocese.
The bishops of the Church, with their people, join together to produce those means which the Holy Father and the Apostolic See need to exercise works of mercy and charity and its service of the Universal Church. The faithful’s offerings to the Holy Father are destined to church needs, humanitarian initiatives...
The parish HCPT Lourdes Group will again set off to Lourdes at the end of July. They raise funds in various ways in order to enable people with special needs to go. Our second collection next weekend will be for that good cause.
Next Meeting: 27 June 2018 at 7-45 pm for 8pm. Speaker: Canon Frank O’Sullivan, Priest and Author Title: ‘Big Bang: Reflections on contemporary scientific knowledge and Christian understanding’ Venue: Laleham Lea Primary School, Peaks Hill, Purley CR8 3JJ Non-members welcome
Offertory: Cash not Gift-aided: £415 Gift-aided: £220 Standing Orders: Gift-aided – £250; Total: £885 Second Collection – Day of Life £173 Thank you
They are available in the Church porch. Any that are not ready for this weekend will be there by next weekend. Please take your box. Those who pay Offertory by standing order have smaller packs for 2nd collections and Christmas offerings. Some people’s numbers have changed for administrative reasons....
The Justice and Peace Group are collecting baby clothes for destitute mothers and their babies. Items needed: 0-3 months babygros, sleepsuits, vests, bibs, muslin cloths, wipes, shawls, blankets, clean old towels and buggies. Nappies for premature and 0-3 month babies. New Men’s and Women’s underwear.
Offertory: Cash not Gift-aided: £373 Gift-aided: £213 Standing Orders: Gift-aided – £250; Total: £854 THANK YOU.
This is the day in the Church’s life dedicated to celebrate the sacredness of life. The proceeds from the Day for Life collection provide core funding for the Anscombe Bioethics Centre and to assist other life related activities supported by the Church, using by means of grants made to support...
It supports the legal, financial and charitable activities with the revenue necessary for central administration of the Church in this country.