Collections received – 26th & 27th May 2018
Offertory: Cash not Gift-aided: £373 Gift-aided: £213 Standing Orders: Gift-aided – £250; Total: £854 THANK YOU.
Offertory: Cash not Gift-aided: £373 Gift-aided: £213 Standing Orders: Gift-aided – £250; Total: £854 THANK YOU.
This is the day in the Church’s life dedicated to celebrate the sacredness of life. The proceeds from the Day for Life collection provide core funding for the Anscombe Bioethics Centre and to assist other life related activities supported by the Church, using by means of grants made to support...
It supports the legal, financial and charitable activities with the revenue necessary for central administration of the Church in this country.
Items needed for May are listed below. The ones marked in black that those most in need. There are boxes are in the Church porch for your donations. Long life fruit juice/Bottles of squash Tinned meat: corned beef, chicken, ham Tinned ready meat meals ~ Tinned Tomatoes Tinned rice pudding...
April Update For the month of April, we would appreciate your support for the Parish Fete by Collecting Green Tokens every time you shop at Waitrose, Coulsdon as part of their Waitrose Community Matters Programme. The more tokens we collect, the bigger a share of the £1000 fund we’ll receive...
As construction of the new parish website continues we need digital photographs depicting parish life at St. Aidan’s. If you have any good photos of parish life such as church services, social events, the parish fete, or parish celebrations that you would be happy to share then we would like...
Entrance Antiphon Like newborn infants, you must long for the pure, spiritual milk, that in him you may grow to salvation, alleluia. Psalm Give thanks to the Lord for his is good, for his love has no end. Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia! Jesus said: ‘You believe because you can see...