The Parish Pastoral Council held our second meeting of the year on the 7th April in the church hall.
We were joined by Peter Chamberlain, our synod process parish delegate who updated us on the process and timelines for submitting our Parish document and the consequent draft Diocesan document. We discussed ways on which to follow up on our parish discussions.
We reviewed and updated the current arrangements for Mass. Please follow this link to read the updated arrangements. We will continue to ask parishioners to wear a mask for the time being. This is inconsideration of the more vulnerable within the parish.
We discussed the status of the bar and social club. An appeal is being made for volunteers to join a new social club committee. Those interested should make themselves known to Fr Peter by email or in person.
Fr Peter brought the meeting to a close with a final prayer.
Our next PPC meeting is on Monday 13th June. We would be pleased to hear from members of the parish on any subject. Please speak to any member of the Council, drop a letter into the sacristy or contact Gerry via
The PPC members are, Fr. Peter, Sue Carr, Pauline D’Mello-Maplesden, Brenda Eydman, Bernadette Hallett, Bridget Hanlon, Penne Hutton, Peter McFall, Erica Thurbon, Gerry O’Donnell, Elsie Ofili and Colin Wilding.