Event details
- Saturday | June 16, 2018
- 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
- St Aidans Primary School, Portnalls Road, Coulsdon Cr5 3DD
The St Aidan’s Parish Summer Fête is our biggest fund raising event of the year and is attended by many people – not only from the parish but from neighbouring communities as well. You can see photographs of past years’ successful Fetes in the Fete Photo Gallery.
Please think of the Fête when you’re having a clear-out, especially if you are about to have a spring clean! Please save your china and glass, toys, books, videos, DVDs, music, computer games, gifts for the tombola and any other quality items you no longer need for our many stalls.
Donations can be left in the church porch from one month before the fête. We will need help sorting out the donations as they come in, so if you could give an hour of your time to do this closer to the date it would be greatly appreciated.
We need your help in setting up at St Aidan’s School on the Saturday and Sunday mornings before the Fête and in dismantling and clearing up afterwards. We also need volunteers to help on the stalls, in the bar, serving refreshments, manning the Barbecue and running the games and events in the main field. Please look for messages in the St Aidan’s parish weekly newsletter asking for volunteers to give some of your time to ensure that this event is a continued success.
The many people attending the Fête are all given copies of the Fête Programme: if you would like to advertise your business here please let us know and we will arrange this for you. Many companies also have budgets to donate to events such as this, so please ask your employer or boss if they would like to sponsor a stall or donate a prize to the raffle.
In a parish that possesses such a wealth of talent, St Aidan’s Parish Fête would welcome any acts to perform on the day as part of the entertainment: we are looking for acts to perform on stage during the day, dancers, musicians, singers and general entertainers would all be very welcome.
Finally, as we said before, this is the biggest single fund raising event of the year for St Aidan’s Church and we rely heavily on your support and help. If you would like to help in any way please don’t hesitate to contact me — you can e-mail me via the Parish Fete Committee link on the Contact Us Page
Thank you.
Fête Committee