Youth Games Night
Friday 25 January: Youth Games night 7:30pm–10:00pm at St Aidan’s parish centre. Entry by completed parental consent form only (in the church porch). Return to the parish house or by email to:
Friday 25 January: Youth Games night 7:30pm–10:00pm at St Aidan’s parish centre. Entry by completed parental consent form only (in the church porch). Return to the parish house or by email to:
This will be held at midday in the hall for a donation of £5. The list will be in the church porch to sign if you wish to join us. Enquiries to Brenda Eydman (01737 552610)
Please come along for a variety of tasks around the church, hall and grounds.
The beds and mattresses have been passed on to the next shelter, bedding bagged up and put into store, equipment sorted and stacked away and remaining supplies passed on to other charities… this marks the end of another successful Floating Shelter season at St Aidan’s. During November and December we...
The next practice for all altar servers will be on Sunday 20 January after 11:00am Mass. We welcome new servers.
Supper and Entertainment. Evening of 26 January. St Aidan’s Church Hall. Ticket enquiry email: or on sale after Mass from 5 January.
The Justice and Peace Group are collecting baby clothes for destitute mothers and their babies. Items needed: 0-3 months babygros, sleepsuits, vests, bibs, muslin cloths, wipes, shawls, blankets, clean old towels and buggies; nappies for premature and 0-3 month babies; new men’s and women’s underwear.
The session will take place on Friday 16th November – 9.30 am to 11am. If you are unable to attend this time, please contact the school office on 01737 556036 to arrange an individual tour.
Fr. Peter will be available to sign applications for Catholic primary schools at the Parish House at the following dates and times: Wednesday 14th Nov. – 6.45pm – 7.15pm, Thursday 22nd Nov – 3pm – 3.45pm, Friday 23rd Nov – 6.45pm – 7.30pm, Friday 30th Nov 6.45pm – 7.30pm
Our old parish email address is being phased out and replaced with the new one with immediate effect. Please start using: