Floating Shelter

The beds and mattresses have been passed on to the next shelter, bedding bagged up and put into store, equipment sorted and stacked away and remaining supplies passed on to other charities… this marks the end of another successful Floating Shelter season at St Aidan’s. During November and December we...

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Burns Night

Supper and Entertainment. Evening of 26 January. St Aidan’s Church Hall. Ticket enquiry email: staidanssocialclub@gmail.com or on sale after Mass from 5 January.

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West Croydon Refugee Centre

The Justice and Peace Group are collecting baby clothes for destitute mothers and their babies. Items needed: 0-3 months babygros, sleepsuits, vests, bibs, muslin cloths, wipes, shawls, blankets, clean old towels and buggies; nappies for premature and 0-3 month babies; new men’s and women’s underwear.

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