Sacrament of Confirmation 2019

Bishop Paul will be visiting our parish on Saturday 6 July to administer the sacrament of Confirmation at the 6:00pm Mass. Those wishing to be confirmed must return an enrolment form which can be obtained from Fr Peter after Mass. Forms must be returned as soon as possible.

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Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

Saturday 2 February: exposition will be after the 11:00am Mass for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord until 1:00pm. We need four people to sign up for “watching” between 12 noon and 1:00pm. Please see list in church porch.

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World Peace Sunday

The bishops of England and Wales invite us to make Sunday 20 January a day of prayer for peace and to reflect on the theme Pope Francis has chosen for the annual World Day of Peace with the challenging title: “Good politics serves peace”. The Gospel for this Sunday gives...

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2017 Confirmation Reunion

Friday 15 February: 2017 Confirmation Reunion 7:30–10:00pm. The youth of the parish are an essential component in growing the youth ministry in St Aidan’s. This meeting is a social for the Confirmation class of 2017 and the opportunity for them to be part of growing the ministry going forward.

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Youth Ministry Training Day

Saturday 9 February: Youth Ministry training day – everyone welcome. Youth ministry is the number one priority identified by the Pastoral Development Group. This training day is for all parishioners and the youth of the parish, so we can develop an action plan for this important part of parish life.

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Youth Games Night

Friday 25 January: Youth Games night 7:30pm–10:00pm at St Aidan’s parish centre. Entry by completed parental consent form only (in the church porch). Return to the parish house or by email to:

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