Day of Formation for Readers

Understanding and Communicating the Word of God Saturday 23 March St Aidan’s Parish Centre 10:00am to 3:30pm Please bring your own lunch; hot drinks will be provided. This event will be held jointly with St Mary’s, Old Coulsdon and St John’s (Anglican) Church, Old Coulsdon. Rev. Paul Roberts, Rector of...

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Parish Action to Help Prisoners and Their Families

Wednesday 28 February 7:45pm at St Aidan’s church hall. The Justice and Peace Group have invited a local prison chaplain to talk to us about what is being done to support prisoners and their families, and to highlight opportunities that exist locally for volunteers via PACT, the Catholic Prison Advice...

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Changes to Mass Times

There will be no Mass on Tuesday 5 February. On Wednesday 6 February Mass will be at 9:30am. Unfortunately the following week will also require changes to the usual Mass times. Please see the newsletter for more details.

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Parish Lunch

The parish lunch will now take place on Friday 8 January as unfortunately it was postponed due to the poor weather. The new list is in the church porch. Enquiries to Brenda Eydman (01737 552610).

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Day of Formation for Readers

Understanding and Communicating the Word of God Saturday 23 March St Aidan’s Parish Centre 10:00am to 3:30pm Please bring your own lunch; hot drinks will be provided. This event will be held jointly with St Mary’s, Old Coulsdon and St John’s (Anglican) Church, Old Coulsdon. Rev. Paul Roberts, Rector of...

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Youth Ministry Training Day

Saturday 9 February: 10:00–11:30am general session followed by detailed work for the Youth Ministry team until 1:00pm. Youth Ministry is the number one priority identified by the Pastoral Development Group. This training day is for all parishioners AND the youth of the parish, so we can develop an action plan...

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