Parish Lunch – Friday 3rd May at 12 o’clock at the Church hall
Please add your name to the list at the back of the church if you would like to join us. Any enquiries to Brenda Eydman 01737 552610
Please add your name to the list at the back of the church if you would like to join us. Any enquiries to Brenda Eydman 01737 552610
Thank you to those who responded to the question about the times of weekday Masses. As from Monday 29th April the weekday Masses on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday will normally be at 9.30am. There will usually be no Mass here on Wednesdays. If a Thursday Mass has to be...
The Next Youth Social is Friday 26th April 7.30-9.30pm Come along and bring your friends A one-off completed parental consent form is required to join in Youth socials/events. Forms available in the Church porch or under Documents. Return to the Parish House or by scanned attachment to:
The Parish Sharing Day was a great success with a good turnout and a vibrant atmosphere. A big thank you to everyone who came and a big thank you to all of the 30 groups who were represented. Remember if you were unable to attend on this occasion you will...
The next youth social is Friday 26 April 7:30–9:30pm. Come along and bring your friends. A one-off completed parental consent form is required to join in youth socials/events. Forms are available in the church porch or on this website under documents. Return to the parish house or by scanned attachment...
Monday 15 April at 8:15pm in the Marian Room.
The schedule of Holy Week and Easter Services is now available. Please see the attached document.
On Thursday 11 April at 8:00pm we will be celebrating our parish Lenten Reconciliation Service. Visiting priests will be helping with confessions. What is the format of the service? The Reconciliation Service begins with the Blessed Sacrament being placed on the altar. The service will proceed with prayer and scripture...
A Mass will take place this Friday 12 April at 7:30pm to inaugurate the weekly Eucharistic Adoration in the parish. This is to ask God to bless the initiative that it may glorify his name. The Mass is for the whole parish. Those who volunteered to be on the rota...
The Parish Council held a special meeting on Saturday 16 March to discuss and agree a constitution. The Parish Council will now be known as the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC). This is to reflect its role as a consultative body that acts in partnership with the parish priest within the...