
As a number of St Aidan’s parishioners prepare to travel to Lourdes this Friday 19 July with the HCPT Group 510, we ask for your prayers that the trip might be filled with restorative and healing experiences, and that the pilgrims may return refreshed in body, mind and spirit. The...

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Friday Adoration

Friday 12 July was the last time before the Summer break when we will have the opportunity to spend a treasured hour of Exposition at St Aidan’s. We will resume again in September. We hope that all who have been attending have found it a peaceful and spiritually enriching experience.

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Confirmation Group – Reconciliations Sunday 30 June 6:00pm – Saturday 6 July 6:00pm Mass

This Sunday 30 June at 6:00pm the Confirmation group will come to celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation (confession). Parents please note that they will be free to go home when they have celebrated the sacrament individually. Please note that Bishop Paul will be celebrating the 6:00pm Confirmation Mass next Saturday...

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Organ Recital

Thank you to those who came to the Organ Recital and talk last Saturday evening. A big thank you to Edward Rook who gave us a most enjoyable evening. Donations to our Organ Fund amounted to over £650. Thank you to everyone who contributed. Thanks again to Brenda Eydman for...

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Our Parish Retreat at Worth Abbey.

Fr Peter and a group from St Aidan’s parish spent an enjoyable and spiritual weekend at St Bruno’s Retreat House in the grounds of Worth Abbey. The group participated in a mixed programme of services in the Abbey as well as readings and reflections led by Fr Peter and a...

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Youth Social Friday 28 June 7:30-9:30pm

All young people aged 14+ welcome. Come along join in discussions, play games, free refreshments. One-off Parental consent form required to attend all youth activities (in the church porch or visit https://st-aidans-parish.org.uk/sermons/parental-consentform-for-youth-events/) on behalf of St Aidan’s Youth Ministry.

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