Recruitment of New Altar Servers

Over the next 2 weekends, we will be recruiting new Altar Servers – next weekend 28th – 29th Sep-tember 2019, and the following weekend 5th-6th October 2019. If you are in School Year 4 and above, have made your First Holy Communion, and are interested in joining our team of...

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Notice from the St Aidan’s Youth Ministry

Youth Socials will recommence after the summer break with a free Pizza Party on Friday 27th September from 8pm to 9.30pm. This event will be open to all secondary school pupils* *One off parental consent form required (in the church porch or Parental Consent Form for Youth Events The aim...

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Floating Shelter 2019

Our annual commitment with local churches to provide a warm shelter for the homeless during the cold November and December months is now being organised. This year’s dates are: Nov 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th, Dec 5th, 12th and 19th. We would welcome new volunteers to help in any of...

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