Parish Autumn Ball Save the Date!
Save the Date Parish Autumn Ball – Saturday 16th November 2019
Save the Date Parish Autumn Ball – Saturday 16th November 2019
The Parish Pastoral Council held a meeting on 26th September; we began with an opening prayer. We discussed aligning the priorities of the parish as identified by the Parish Pastoral Development Group to members of the PPC. This will give better ownership and planning for the future. We reviewed a...
The Parish Pastoral Council has identified that a role exists to help with general fundraising within the parish and would like to hear from anyone who would be interested in helping in this important aspect of parish life. From time to time as a parish we recognize the need to...
Over the next 2 weekends, we will be recruiting new Altar Servers – next weekend 28th – 29th Sep-tember 2019, and the following weekend 5th-6th October 2019. If you are in School Year 4 and above, have made your First Holy Communion, and are interested in joining our team of...
Youth Socials will recommence after the summer break with a free Pizza Party on Friday 27th September from 8pm to 9.30pm. This event will be open to all secondary school pupils* *One off parental consent form required (in the church porch or Parental Consent Form for Youth Events The aim...
Sunday 15th September Parish Hall 1 – 4 pm. Bar open from 12pm. Food and live entertainment with a licensed bar. Come along and join the fun. Think of it as an indoor BBQ! There will be a small charge for food to cover costs.
Weekly Friday Adoration will recommence on Friday 20th September – further details to follow.
Annual Parish Mass and sacrament of anointing for the Sick – Saturday 28th September 12pm in the church followed by lunch and refreshments in the Parish Hall provided by the SVP. To enable us to cater for the correct number of people it is very important to know who will...
Our annual commitment with local churches to provide a warm shelter for the homeless during the cold November and December months is now being organised. This year’s dates are: Nov 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th, Dec 5th, 12th and 19th. We would welcome new volunteers to help in any of...